Check out our WORKSHOPS & PROGRAMS page for the 2024-2025 schedule of events!
Meetings are held at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 4000 Hudson Road in Cedar Falls, Iowa on the 3rd Monday of the month (except in December). Doors open at 6:00. Snacks are available until 7:00 when the meeting begins. Our Annual Meeting is held in May beginning with a meal. Following the meal we have installation of officers for the upcoming year. Our program committee presents the workshops and programs for the upcoming year.
The 2024-2025 PRESIDENT'S CHALLENGE is on the challenges tab.
NEXT WORKSHOP and MEETING is Monday, February 17,2025
Workshop: If you are interested in attending any of our workshops, you may contact us in two ways. If you are a member, contact one of the program chairs by email or phone for enrollment in the workshop. The contact information is in your member booklet. Otherwise, send an email with your contact information to our guild email: [email protected], and we will contact you to finish the enrollment. Thank you!
Workshops begin at 9:00 am with doors opening at about 8:15a.m. for setup.
Meetings are held at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 4000 Hudson Road in Cedar Falls, Iowa on the 3rd Monday of the month (except in December). Doors open at 6:00. Snacks are available until 7:00 when the meeting begins. Our Annual Meeting is held in May beginning with a meal. Following the meal we have installation of officers for the upcoming year. Our program committee presents the workshops and programs for the upcoming year.
The 2024-2025 PRESIDENT'S CHALLENGE is on the challenges tab.
NEXT WORKSHOP and MEETING is Monday, February 17,2025
Workshop: If you are interested in attending any of our workshops, you may contact us in two ways. If you are a member, contact one of the program chairs by email or phone for enrollment in the workshop. The contact information is in your member booklet. Otherwise, send an email with your contact information to our guild email: [email protected], and we will contact you to finish the enrollment. Thank you!
Workshops begin at 9:00 am with doors opening at about 8:15a.m. for setup.
WORKSHOP - February 17, 2025: Stacked 4-Patch led by member, Dode Westendorf
Supply LIst: supply_list_for_february.docx
Example: sample.heic
PROGRAM - February 17, 2025: Member Peggy Belton will present Quilt Label Nitty Gritty
WORKSHOP - March 17, 2025 - Quilts To Share/Open Sew
PROGRAM - March 17, 2025 - Longarmer Panel
WORKSHOP - April 21, 2025 - Improvisational Piecing led by member Peggy Belton
Supply list: april_supply_list.pdf
PROGRAM - April 21, 2025 - Valerie Bonk will present 'Tree Roots'
WORKSHOP - February 17, 2025: Stacked 4-Patch led by member, Dode Westendorf
Supply LIst: supply_list_for_february.docx
Example: sample.heic
PROGRAM - February 17, 2025: Member Peggy Belton will present Quilt Label Nitty Gritty
WORKSHOP - March 17, 2025 - Quilts To Share/Open Sew
PROGRAM - March 17, 2025 - Longarmer Panel
WORKSHOP - April 21, 2025 - Improvisational Piecing led by member Peggy Belton
Supply list: april_supply_list.pdf
PROGRAM - April 21, 2025 - Valerie Bonk will present 'Tree Roots'